Tuesday, October 22, 2019

Benjamin Harner: 9 months

Weight: -

Clothes: 12-18 months in everything! We also tried on his little baby Toms that his Aunt Lindsay and Uncle Brian got for Wes, and they were way too small! I can't remember how old Wes was when he wore them, but we missed the window for Ben! I got out the next size up, and he's currently wearing the little white converse we got for Penny when she started walking. But Penny had such tiny feet, both Wes and Ben weren't/aren't walking when they fit him. 

Likes: When David plays guitar, so sweet. He loves waffles! He also enjoys sitting in his bumbo to eat while I make dinner or breakfast! He likes playing with the magnet tiles, he of course doesn't stick them together or build with them, but I think he likes the bright colors. He loves when his brother and sister "buzz" him like a bee and tickle him, so cute. He also is super into the toilet and trying to splash around anytime the door is left open, eek! haha. 

Dislikes: He had his worst every diaper rash that really put him through the wringer! Poor guy. Still teething on and off but no new teeth! 

Social: Same ol' same ol'! Loves his buddies and brother and sister!

Milestones: He, after crawling for 3 months, JUST noticed the stairs, boo! But since we're moving in less than a month, we're just going to be diligent in keeping him away from them to avoid putting up 3 baby gates. He is sleeping 10 hours at night, waking up for a quick bottle, then asleep for another 2-2.5...we're hoping that last feeding will be cut out soon!

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