Sunday, December 20, 2015

Wesley David: 1 Month

Weight: At his 1 month checkup, he was 9.8! Such a big boy!

Clothes: Newborn is fitting snug, mainly in the length. We can definitely get by with 0-3 month sizes, though 3 month itself is pushing it a bit.

Likes: He gets bored easily. If you just hold him (facing out, of course!) and just walk around the house, yard, or street, he is happy as a clam! He also enjoys hanging out in his swing, just staring outside. He enjoys being on his tummy (like his big sister did, who enjoys joining him when he's having tummy time) which I am thankful for! He is a very calm and content little guy, and tolerates his big sisters slobbery kisses that he gets non-stop when he is within her reach. He adores his dad (if she's a daddy's girl, isn't he supposed to be a mama's boy?!) and David has by far received the most smiles from him.

Dislikes: When his 26 pounder of a sister tries to roll over him (she does this with the dog, and seems to think the fun will translate to her newborn day baby girl. One day.) His carseat, ugh. Penny loved it still at this age, and it would put her to sleep immediately. Wes, on the other hand, seems to hate it start to finish. Which means we have a long road ahead of us, little guy!

Social: He has tagged along on several of Penny's playdates, and just watches the world go by while they play. With Penny I had to start from scratch with meeting mom's, and I had no idea where to start. With him though, it is so nice just plugging into our normal routine and bringing him along! It has helped so much with helping me feel like myself this time around, and has made things so much less overwhelming. I can't wait until he is able to interact with other little ones, though.

Milestones: He has rolled over twice now! The first time I thought it was a fluke, but after the second time, we think he knows what he is doing...that or we're "those parents" that think everything is something (probably) I have no idea where these strong babies of mine come from. Because it definitely wasn't from their mama. Penny's ped. commented on how strong she was at this age, too. He holds his head up and likes to look around. He still face plants every now and then, but he is pretty steady with it. He also had a dreaded milestone, his first cold. Poor little guy. It swept through our house like a wildfire, despite our best attempt at keeping him from it. Although this update is a week late, last night he slept from 8-4! That means I only had to wake up once to feed him, it was glorious! We decided to throw him a parade to celebrate. He will probably sleep through most of it.

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