Wednesday, May 2, 2012

Video recap: camping trip

Sorry I was a day late. 
Clearly my sister held down the fort here yesterday with her guest post.
(I'll fill you in on the correct one on friday, I'm sure you all will hardly be able to last until then.)

I tried having the video for yesterday, but as soon as I was finished editing got deleted

but here it is. Enjoy!

fun fact: the backing song was David and my first ever "song" from high school. 
One of many!


  1. I love this. At first when I saw your incredible breakfast I was in awe that you were able to cook that outside over a camp fire, haha. Now I'm REALLY itching to go camping.

  2. Haha it sounds like you guys are having fun!!! What song is in the background?! I know it but I can't remember the name!!!! (The first song... not the one in the car, I know that one, haha)

  3. endearing again, you are inspiring me to want to make video's, i've already asked my husband if we could:o

  4. Looks so fun! I want to go camping now! :P
