Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Easter in Chicago (video.)

Thank you dear friends for guest blogging for me while I was away!
this is what I was up to:

Recap of Easter in Chicago with my family!

Three times a charm!


  1. I loved the video =) Esp. the appearance by Chernins shoe outlet!!!!! I was JUST thinking about that place last night. I used to live in Chicago and I actually have bought a lot of super cute shoes there =)

  2. Aw what a cute video! I'm so glad that you guys had a nice weekend. The weather looked beautiful!

    And thank-you so much for letting me guest post- I had a blast!

    xoxo Miss ALK

  3. okay, how did you make that video? I have a mac and I think you maybe used the program----- is it easy? I have always been too intimidated to try!!!!! and do you know if you can put pictures in a video? I need you to come give me a lesson on how to do that! I loved yours, it was so perfect!


  4. They're all adorable..

  5. boy, i think i officially LOVE your videos, MORE!!!

  6. Hi! I just came across your blog! Please come check mine out as well @ classicglamblog.blogspot.com :: if you like, follow! I will gladly return the favor.

    Classic+Glam Blog

  7. Oh no, this is too much. I miss chicago so. My hubby's family all lives there and we're possibly moving there in Sept.
